Dragon Summoner

The Minnesota Renaissance Festival held a coloring book contest this year and I decided to throw my hat in the ring.

I am normally pretty wary of art contests as they can be quite exploitative, but for this contest everyone who submitted a piece was mailed at least one free admission ticket, with two tickets to entries that made it into the book, and a free season pass to the winners of the contest. Overall, prizes felt very reasonable and worth the effort.

Here is my Dragon Summoner piece! It did make it into the book and I got two free admission tickets out of the deal. I’m also offering the coloring page as a free/pay what you want download.

If you're interested you can download it here! I’d love to be tagged in the finished product if you do color it in. Have fun!

Mighty Nein

I am very much a fan of Critical Role — I started listening to their first campaign Vox Machina a few summers ago, and that’s actually how I got into Dungeons and Dragons and started to learn the game. I was able to finish campaign one and get caught up on campaign two just in time to watch the last few episodes live. It was super fun being able to watch Exandria Unlimited this summer and keep ahead of spoilers for once, and I am eagerly awaiting campaign three!

Anyways, it was high time I drew some fan art from the series, so here are the Mighty Nein! I started them as individual ink drawings, but after drawing a few decided they needed to be in a group shot together. After finishing the inks, I scanned them in and colored them digitally. Figuring out the color scheme on this was challenging but a lot of fun!


Animal Hybrids Project

(Inktober 2017)

I wanted to do something inventive for the Inktober challenge this year, so I decided to design some creatures inspired by the official prompt list.

I started by writing down each prompt in my sketchbook, and listing a few animals that each prompt brought to mind. For each creature design, I did studies of the real-world animals used for inspiration. Finally, I designed a hybrid animal using a mixture the traits of the real world animals.

Sketches of real-world animals
Final hybrid creature designs