JuneToon 2022

The JuneToon challenge consists of a list of prompts for each day of the month of June, with an overall focus on cartoon characters. I decided to translate all the prompts into the closest Pokémon I could think of — some were definitely easier than others.

Every time I have tackled a month-long challenge there are many times I think “Why am I putting myself through this?” as it is a LOT of work, and I definitely fell behind and had to catch up a lot throughout the month.

Overall, glad I did the challenge and am happy with the results!

Mighty Nein

I am very much a fan of Critical Role — I started listening to their first campaign Vox Machina a few summers ago, and that’s actually how I got into Dungeons and Dragons and started to learn the game. I was able to finish campaign one and get caught up on campaign two just in time to watch the last few episodes live. It was super fun being able to watch Exandria Unlimited this summer and keep ahead of spoilers for once, and I am eagerly awaiting campaign three!

Anyways, it was high time I drew some fan art from the series, so here are the Mighty Nein! I started them as individual ink drawings, but after drawing a few decided they needed to be in a group shot together. After finishing the inks, I scanned them in and colored them digitally. Figuring out the color scheme on this was challenging but a lot of fun!


Linktober 2020

Decided to do a different art challenge this October and follow the Linktober prompt list. I didn’t get all 31 of them in, but it was a nice change of pace to not stress over quite as high of an output and instead focus on playing with different mediums: gouache, marker, pen, colored pencil, and digital.

Glitch Techs

Couldn’t resist doing some fan art of High Five and Miko when season two of Glitch Techs came out. I used Copic markers for the color on both of these. If you haven’t had a chance to check the show out on Netflix, I highly recommend it!

Pokémon Starters

I never got into Pokémon growing up, but when Pokémon GO came out this summer I finally jumped on the bandwagon. Here are some watercolors I made of the original starters.